A wash cloth for Kristen in mercerized cotton, for her new apartment. Probably for use in the shower rather than the kitchen.

Fuzzy feet for Sam. Above you see a before and after shot, and then the pair of them after felting. I used Patons Merino for these as well, and it only takes one skein to make a women's medium pair, which happens to also fit Sam's feet. They take longer than expected to knit, and knitting loosely on size 11's is a pain, but once they felt up, it's so much fun! They're warm and soft and cozy and I hope he will like them. I am considering knitting unfelted 2x2 ribbing cuffs and stitching it inside, if they have a tendency to come off off or leave cold ankles. Now I have to knit a pair for Kristen and me as well!

A sweater for my mother, which may or may not be a little small for her. But I was quite happy with this, knit out of 4 skeins of Patons Merino, using a pattern from Custom Knits called the Round Yoke Cardigan. You knit the entire body, bottom up, then knit two tubes for sleeves, cuff up, adding increases as you go, and then you connect the parts up and knit the shoulder section all in one piece. This was mailed off to Maine this week, with $200 insurance on it!

And my favorite knitting, a pair of socks for myself in Patons Kroy stripes. Note that that stripes do not and can not match, because the stripe sequence is going in opposite directions! Fraternal rather than identical twins. I have enjoyed the first pair of socks I ever made, which used this same brand of yarn and has held up for 2 years, so I think these will be keepers. I liked them so much that I already bought another 2 skeins in a slightly different colorway to make one more pair. This is great yarn!
1 comment:
Everything is stunning! I love the sweater, it is pretty and looks very warm!
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