Monday, June 9, 2008


Just when I thought I was on a roll, I had to frog back twice to fix messed up stitch counts. Luckily, my dental floss lifelines are helping. I managed to complete about 12 repeats without any known errors, but the last couple of days I've been frogging and tinking like crazy. Maybe I need to take a break from this pattern! Go back and work on the straight knitting of the triangular shawl.

Or maybe it's because I've been perusing the Walker stitch collection, and have my heart set on buying some merino and cashmere yarn and trying the Japanese feathers pattern in shawl width. Maybe.

I won't have earned the right to start that till I finish Branching Out! It's my lace boot camp! If I can finish this scarf, I will believe that I can knit any lace pattern (except ones that require you to p2togtbl or that require following a chart that fills several pages!)

1 comment:

Carrie Penny said...

Shawls are a lot of fun! I was loving Rose Trellis until I put it down for a year and tried to come back! The floss helps more and more on a shawl not to mention when you start a pattern I take a highlighter to it and mark the rows that I will put floss in (every 10 at start and ever 5 after it get so wide you don't want to frogg 10 rows. I also mark the vertical rows in the pattern to mark the sets of the pattern to make it easier to count on the shawl and what each spot should look like in theory.