I spent 4 days last week serving on a jury in a domestic violence case. I of course did not knit in the coutrroom, but jury duty involves quite a bit of downtime, waiting out in hallways or in the deliberation room. And since we were not supposed to talk about anything related to the case, people kept to themselves, and I did so by knitting.
I cast on the first sock and got the cuff styarted before I went to the courthouse, and I held up my little baggie and asked if it was all right to bring it in. They waved me in, and over the ocurse of three days, I got close to the heel flap, which requires a bit of attention. So I slipped that sock onto a spare needle and started the second sock, so that I would still have mindless knitting to work on. So now I guess I will have to finish sock #2 before I pick sock #1 back up.
This is Patons Kroy FX in Cascade colorway, and I find it very pretty. It was only $10 for a pair's worth and I got 2 colorways, at Joann's. I am enjoying knitting with it quite a lot. Very well-suited to tv knitting as well.
When I have a bit more attention available, I ama lso working on a lace scarf called Heart to Heart Beaded Scarf, but my version is not beaded and to me in this color, it looks like the leaves of lilac trees, of which I have fond childhood memories. So I am calling it Lilac Leaf. The yarn is cashmere in the colorway Basil from Sarah's yarns in Brooklyn (well the yarn is from Mongolia.) This is pleasant knitting too, but does require decent light and more than half a mind.