Monday, January 8, 2007

Snow Day!

The trip to Maine was completely uneventful. Got to the airport with time to spare, did get my bag hand inspected, but not on account of knitting needles--it was a cushion filled with flax seeds that I warm in the microwave and use as a heating pad that raised questions. But that was resolved quickly enough. The flights were on time and smooth--so I knit away on the Windy City Scarf from LA to Cincinnati.

It's such a simple pattern, but I still managed to ball it up. Somehow I knitted when I should have purled or something, and had to backtrack. I tried patiently tinking (knitting spelled and done backwards. But when every other stitch is a knit or a purl, it's very tricky, at least for me. I could tell that I had picked up the knit stitches backwards, but I somehow thought that I had reversed all the knits while leaving the purls correct, so I re-knit, and decided that no, the purls were all on the needle backwards too. So I had to undo it and do it over twice. But it's now back in order and going along fine. The slit worked out easily. The yarn I'm using is a little fine for the needles (DK yarn and size 8 needles) so the gauge is a bit loose, and the top of the slit seems kind of floppy. But I will reinforce it when I'm done by sewing it, I think.

Anyhow, when I got to Bangor, it was a bit of a surprise to see how bare everything looked, and how moderate the temperatures were. Ben and Caleb were out playing basketball at 8 pm in just sweatshirts. The ground was actually muddy. The weather forecast was for a "wintery mix" of rain, sleet and snow today, so I was pleasantly surprised to awake to a white world! It had snowed during the night, about 2 inches of powdery snow--looking absolutely lovely. Whether it's actually a snow day or not is still up in the air. Hartland and other communities have school today, but Pittsfield called for a 2 hour late start, rather than cancelling school outright. And maybe it will be cancelled or maybe not.

So the timing for me was perfect--I got to fly in in clear dry weather, and yet enjoy the beauty of a winter snow when I awoke on my first day here. Karen took Ben over to Waterville to the doctor because his asthma is giving him trouble. The snow is still lightly falling. And I am drinking coffee and knitting. What could be better?

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